Source code for squabble.reporter

# coding: utf-8

import functools
import json
import sys

import pglast
from colorama import Fore, Style

import squabble
from squabble.lint import Severity


[docs]class UnknownReporterException(squabble.SquabbleException): """Raised when a configuration references a reporter that doesn't exist.""" def __init__(self, name): super().__init__('unknown reporter: "%s"' % name)
[docs]def reporter(name): """ Decorator to register function as a callback when the config sets the ``"reporter"`` config value to ``name``. The wrapped function will be called with each :class:`squabble.lint.LintIssue` and the contents of the file being linted. Each reporter should return a list of lines of output which will be printed to stderr. >>> from squabble.lint import LintIssue >>> @reporter('no_info') ... def no_info(issue, file_contents): ... return ['something happened'] ... >>> no_info(LintIssue(), file_contents='') ['something happened'] """ def wrapper(fn): _REPORTERS[name] = fn @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper
[docs]def report(reporter_name, issues, files): """ Call the named reporter function for every issue in the list of issues. All lines of output returned will be printed to stderr. :param reporter_name: Issue reporter format to use. :type reporter_name: str :param issues: List of generated :class:`squabble.lint.LintIssue`. :type issues: list :param files: Map of file name to contents of file. :type files: dict >>> import sys; sys.stderr = sys.stdout # for doctest. >>> from squabble.lint import LintIssue >>> @reporter('message_and_severity') ... def message_and_severity_reporter(issue, contents): ... return ['%s:%s' % (, issue.message_text)] ... >>> issue = LintIssue(severity=Severity.CRITICAL, ... message_text='bad things!') >>> report('message_and_severity', [issue], files={}) CRITICAL:bad things! """ if reporter_name not in _REPORTERS: raise UnknownReporterException(reporter_name) reporter = _REPORTERS[reporter_name] for i in issues: file_contents = files.get(i.file, '') for line in reporter(i, file_contents): _print_err(line)
def _location_for_issue(issue): """ Return the offset into the file for this issue, or None if it cannot be determined. """ if issue.node and issue.node.location != pglast.Missing: return issue.node.location.value return issue.location def _issue_to_file_location(issue, contents): """ Given an issue (which may or may not have a :class:`pglast.Node` with a ``location`` field) and the contents of the file containing that node, return the ``(line_str, line, column)`` that node is located at, or ``('', 1, 0)``. :param issue: :type issue: :class:`squabble.lint.LintIssue` :param contents: Full contents of the file being linted, as a string. :type contents: str """ loc = _location_for_issue(issue) if loc is None: return ('', 1, 0) lines = contents.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines, start=1): if loc <= len(line): return (line, i, loc) # Add 1 to count the newline char. # TODO: won't work with \r\n loc -= len(line) + 1 return ('', 1, 0) def _print_err(msg): print(msg, file=sys.stderr) def _format_message(issue): if issue.message_text: return issue.message_text return issue.message.format() def _issue_info(issue, file_contents): """Return a dictionary of metadata for an issue.""" line, line_num, column = _issue_to_file_location(issue, file_contents) formatted = _format_message(issue) return { **issue._asdict(), **(issue.message.asdict() if issue.message else {}), 'line_text': line, 'line': line_num, 'column': column, 'message_formatted': formatted, 'severity':, } _SIMPLE_FORMAT = '{file}:{line}:{column} {severity}: {message_formatted}' # Partially pre-format the message since the color codes will be static. _COLOR_FORMAT = '{bold}{{file}}:{reset}{{line}}:{{column}}{reset} '\ '{{severity}} {{message_formatted}}'\ .format(bold=Style.BRIGHT, reset=Style.RESET_ALL)
[docs]@reporter("plain") def plain_text_reporter(issue, file_contents): """Simple single-line output format that is easily parsed by editors.""" info = _issue_info(issue, file_contents) return [ _SIMPLE_FORMAT.format(**info) ]
_SEVERITY_COLOR = { Severity.CRITICAL: Fore.RED, Severity.HIGH: Fore.RED, Severity.MEDIUM: Fore.YELLOW, Severity.LOW: Fore.BLUE, }
[docs]@reporter('color') def color_reporter(issue, file_contents): """ Extension of :func:`squabble.reporter.plain_text_reporter`, uses ANSI color and shows error location. """ info = _issue_info(issue, file_contents) info['severity'] = '{color}{severity}{reset}'.format( color=_SEVERITY_COLOR[issue.severity],, reset=Style.RESET_ALL ) output = [_COLOR_FORMAT.format(**info)] if 'message_code' in info: output[0] += ' [{message_code}]'.format(**info) if info['line_text'] != '': arrow = ' ' * info['column'] + '^' output.append(info['line_text']) output.append(Style.BRIGHT + arrow + Style.RESET_ALL) return output
[docs]@reporter('json') def json_reporter(issue, _file_contents): """Dump each issue as a JSON dictionary""" # Swap out all of the non-JSON serializable elements: issue = issue._replace( if issue.node: issue = issue._replace(node=issue.node.parse_tree) if issue.message: issue = issue._replace(message=issue.message.asdict()) obj = { k: v for k, v in issue._asdict().items() if v is not None } return [ json.dumps(obj) ]
_SQLINT_FORMAT = '{file}:{line}:{column}:{severity} {message_formatted}'
[docs]@reporter('sqlint') def sqlint_reporter(issue, file_contents): """ Format compatible with ``sqlint``, which is already integrated into Flycheck and other editor linting frameworks. Main difference is really just that there are only two severity levels: ``ERROR`` and ``WARNING``. """ error_level = {Severity.HIGH, Severity.CRITICAL} info = _issue_info(issue, file_contents) info['severity'] = 'ERROR' if issue.severity in error_level else 'WARNING' return [ _SQLINT_FORMAT.format(**info) ]