Source code for squabble.rules

from squabble.rule import Registry

[docs]class BaseRule: """ Base implementation of a linter rule. Rules work by adding hooks into the abstract syntax tree for a SQL file, and then performing their lint actions inside the callback functions. Rules represent lint issues using pre-defined message classes, which are defined by creating a child class inheriting from :class:`squabble.message.Message`. For example: >>> import squabble.message >>> class MyRule(BaseRule): ... class BadColumnName(squabble.message.Message): ... TEMPLATE = 'column {name} is not allowed' ... >>> MyRule.BadColumnName(name='foo').format() 'column foo is not allowed' """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Keep track of all classes that inherit from ``BaseRule``.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) Registry.register(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def meta(cls): """ Return metadata about the Rule. Base implementation should be sane enough for most purposes. >>> class MyRule(BaseRule): ... ''' ... Brief description of rule. ... ... More details about this rule. ... ''' >>> m = MyRule.meta() >>> m['name'] 'MyRule' >>> m['description'] 'Brief description of rule.' >>> m['help'] 'More details about this rule.' """ split_doc = (cls.__doc__ or '').strip().split('\n', 1) help = None if len(split_doc) == 2: help = split_doc[1].strip() return { 'name': cls.__name__, 'description': split_doc[0], 'help': help }
[docs] def enable(self, ctx, config): """ Called before the root AST node is traversed. Here's where most callbacks should be registered for different AST nodes. Each linter is initialized once per file that it is being run against. ``config`` will contain the merged base configuration with the file-specific configuration options for this linter. """ raise NotImplementedError('must be overridden by subclass')