Source code for squabble.rules.require_columns

import pglast
import pglast.printers

import squabble.rule
from squabble import RuleConfigurationException
from squabble.message import Message
from squabble.rules import BaseRule

def split_required_col(req):
    Split columns as given as strings in the configuration.

    >>> split_required_col('col_a')
    ('col_a', None)
    >>> split_required_col('col_B,integer')
    ('col_b', 'integer')
    >>> split_required_col('col_c,some(parametric,type)')
    ('col_c', 'some(parametric,type)')
    split = req.lower().split(',', 1)

    # no type, just a value
    if len(split) == 1:
        return (split[0], None)

    return (split[0], split[1])

def _normalize_columns(table_elts):
    Return a list of (column name, column type) after pretty printing
    them using pglast.

    >>> import pglast.printer
    >>> create_table = pglast.parse_sql(
    ...   'CREATE TABLE _(col1,123), col2 integer);')
    >>> table_elts = pglast.Node(create_table)[0].stmt.tableElts
    >>> _normalize_columns(table_elts)
    [('col1', ', 123)'), ('col2', 'integer')]
    # This is a pretty hacky implementation
    printer = pglast.printer.RawStream()
    columns = printer(table_elts).split(';')

    res = []

    for col in columns:
        name, typ = col.strip().split(' ', 1)
        res.append((name, typ))

    return res

def parse_column_type(typ):
    Feed the column type through pglast to normalize naming

    e.g. `timestamp with time zone => timestamptz`.

    >>> parse_column_type('integer')
    >>> parse_column_type('custom(type)')
    sql = 'CREATE TABLE _(_ {0});'.format(typ)

        create_table = pglast.Node(pglast.parse_sql(sql))[0].stmt
        _, typ = _normalize_columns(create_table.tableElts)[0]
        return typ
    except pglast.parser.ParseError:
        raise RuleConfigurationException(
            RequireColumns, 'unable to parse column type "%s' % typ)

def get_required_columns(config):
    Extracts the column name and normalizes types out of the config
    value for `RequireColumns`.

    >>> get_required_columns(['foo,int', 'bar'])
    {'foo': 'integer', 'bar': None}
    if not config:
        raise RuleConfigurationException(
            RequireColumns, 'must provide `required` columns')

    required = {}
    for req in config:
        column, type_str = split_required_col(req)
        typ = parse_column_type(type_str) if type_str else None

        required[column] = typ

    return required

[docs]class RequireColumns(BaseRule): """ Require that newly created tables have specified columns. Configuration: :: { "RequireColumns": { "required": ["column_foo,column_type", "column_bar"] } } If a column type is specified (like ``column_foo`` in the example configuration), the linter will make sure that the types match. Otherwise, only the presence of the column will be checked. """
[docs] class MissingRequiredColumn(Message): CODE = 1005 TEMPLATE = '"{tbl}" missing required column "{col}"'
[docs] class ColumnWrongType(Message): CODE = 1006 TEMPLATE = '"{tbl}.{col}" has type "{actual}" expected "{required}"'
def enable(self, ctx, config): config = config.get('required', []) cols = get_required_columns(config) ctx.register('CreateStmt', self._check_create_table(cols)) @squabble.rule.node_visitor def _check_create_table(self, ctx, node, required): table = node.relation columns = {} for col, typ in _normalize_columns(node.tableElts): columns[col] = {'type': typ, 'node': None} def _attach_column_node(_ctx, col): name = col.colname.value columns[name]['node'] = col ctx.register('ColumnDef', _attach_column_node) ctx.register_exit( lambda _ctx: self._check_required(_ctx, table, columns, required)) def _check_required(self, ctx, table, columns, required): table_name = table.relname.value for col, typ in required.items(): if col not in columns: self.MissingRequiredColumn(tbl=table_name, col=col), node=table) continue actual = columns[col]['type'] if typ is not None and actual != typ: node = columns[col]['node'] self.ColumnWrongType( tbl=table_name, col=col, required=typ, actual=actual), node=node)