Source code for squabble.lint

""" linting engine """

import collections
import enum

import pglast

from squabble.rule import Registry

_LintIssue = collections.namedtuple('_LintIssue', [

# Make all the fields nullable
_LintIssue.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(_LintIssue._fields)

[docs]class LintIssue(_LintIssue): pass
[docs]class Severity(enum.Enum): """ Enumeration describing the relative severity of a :class:`~LintIssue`. By themselves, these values don't mean much, but are meant to convey the likely hood that a detected issue is truly problematic. For example, a syntax error in a migration would be ``CRITICAL``, but perhaps a naming inconsistency would be ``LOW``. """ LOW = 'LOW' MEDIUM = 'MEDIUM' HIGH = 'HIGH' CRITICAL = 'CRITICAL'
def _parse_string(text): """Use ``pglast`` to turn ``text`` into a SQL AST.""" return pglast.Node(pglast.parse_sql(text)) def _configure_rules(rule_config): rules = [] for name, config in rule_config.items(): cls = Registry.get_class(name) rules.append((cls(), config)) return rules
[docs]def check_file(config, name, contents): """ Return a list of lint issues from using ``config`` to lint ``name``. """ rules = _configure_rules(config.rules) s = Session(rules, contents, file_name=name) return s.lint()
[docs]class Session: """ A run of the linter using a given set of rules over a single file. This class exists mainly to hold the list of issues returned by the enabled rules. """ def __init__(self, rules, sql_text, file_name): self._rules = rules self._sql = sql_text self._issues = [] self._file_name = file_name
[docs] def report_issue(self, issue): i = issue._replace(file=self._file_name) self._issues.append(i)
[docs] def lint(self): """ Run the linter on SQL given in constructor, returning a list of :class:`~LintIssue` discovered. """ root_ctx = Context(self) for rule, config in self._rules: rule.enable(root_ctx, config) try: ast = _parse_string(self._sql) root_ctx.traverse(ast) except pglast.parser.ParseError as exc: root_ctx.report_issue(LintIssue( severity=Severity.CRITICAL, message_text=exc.args[0], location=exc.location )) return self._issues
[docs]class Context: """ Contains the node tag callback hooks enabled at or below the `parent_node` passed to the call to `traverse`. >>> import pglast >>> ast = pglast.Node(pglast.parse_sql(''' ... CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); ... ''')) >>> ctx = Context(session=...) >>> >>> def create_stmt(child_ctx, node): ... print('create stmt') ... child_ctx.register('ColumnDef', lambda _c, _n: print('from child')) ... >>> ctx.register('CreateStmt', create_stmt) >>> ctx.register('ColumnDef', lambda _c, _n: print('from root')) >>> ctx.traverse(ast) create stmt from child from root """ def __init__(self, session): self._hooks = {} self._exit_hooks = [] self._session = session
[docs] def traverse(self, parent_node): """ Recursively walk down the AST starting at `parent_node`. For every node, call any callback functions registered for that particular node tag. """ for node in parent_node.traverse(): # Ignore scalar values if not isinstance(node, pglast.node.Node): continue tag = node.node_tag if tag not in self._hooks: continue child_ctx = Context(self._session) for hook in self._hooks[tag]: hook(child_ctx, node) # children can set up their own hooks, so recurse child_ctx.traverse(node) for exit_fn in self._exit_hooks: exit_fn(self)
[docs] def register_exit(self, fn): """ Register `fn` to be called when the current node is finished being traversed. """ self._exit_hooks.append(fn)
[docs] def register(self, node_tag, fn): """ Register `fn` to be called whenever `node_tag` node is visited. >>> session = ... >>> ctx = Context(session) >>> ctx.register('CreateStmt', lambda ctx, node: ...) """ if node_tag not in self._hooks: self._hooks[node_tag] = [] self._hooks[node_tag].append(fn)
[docs] def report_issue(self, issue): self._session.report_issue(issue)
[docs] def report(self, message, node=None, severity=None): """Convenience wrapper to create and report a lint issue.""" self.report_issue(LintIssue( message=message, node=node, severity=severity or Severity.MEDIUM, # This is filled in later file=None, ))