Source code for squabble.rules.require_foreign_key

import re

import pglast
from pglast.enums import AlterTableType, ConstrType

from squabble.message import Message
from squabble.rules import BaseRule

[docs]class RequireForeignKey(BaseRule): """ New columns that look like references must have a foreign key constraint. By default, "looks like" means that the name of the column matches the regex ``.*_id$``, but this is configurable. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE comments ( post_id INT, -- warning here, this looks like a foreign key, -- but no constraint was given -- No warning here user_id INT REFERENCES users(id) ) ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN author_id INT; -- warning here Configuration :: { "RequireForeignKey": { "column_regex": ".*_id$" } } """
[docs] class MissingForeignKeyConstraint(Message): """ Foreign keys are a good way to guarantee that your database retains referential integrity. When adding a new column that points to another table, make sure to add a constraint so that the database can check that it points to a valid record. Foreign keys can either be added when creating a table, or after the fact in the case of adding a new column. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE admins (user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id)); CREATE TABLE admins ( user_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ); ALTER TABLE admins ADD COLUMN user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id); ALTER TABLE admins ADD FOREIGN KEY user_id REFERENCES users(id); """ TEMPLATE = '"{col}" may need a foreign key constraint' CODE = 1008
_DEFAULT_REGEX = '.*_id$' def enable(self, root_ctx, config): fk_regex = re.compile(config.get('column_regex', self._DEFAULT_REGEX)) # Keep track of column_name -> column_def node so we can # report a sane location for the warning when a new column # doesn't have a foreign key. missing_fk = {} # We want to check both columns that are part of CREATE TABLE # as well as ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN root_ctx.register( 'CreateStmt', lambda _, node: _create_table_stmt(node, fk_regex, missing_fk)) root_ctx.register( 'AlterTableStmt', lambda _, node: _alter_table_stmt(node, fk_regex, missing_fk)) def _report_missing(ctx): """ When we exit the root context, any elements remaining in ``missing_fk`` are known not to have a FOREIGN KEY constraint, so report them as errors. """ for column, node in missing_fk.items(): self.MissingForeignKeyConstraint(col=column), node=node) root_ctx.register_exit(_report_missing)
def _create_table_stmt(table_node, fk_regex, missing_fk): table_name = table_node.relation.relname.value for e in table_node.tableElts: # Defining a column, may include an inline constraint. if e.node_tag == 'ColumnDef': if _column_needs_foreign_key(fk_regex, e): key = '{}.{}'.format(table_name, e.colname.value) missing_fk[key] = e # FOREIGN KEY (...) REFERENCES ... elif e.node_tag == 'Constraint': _remove_satisfied_foreign_keys(e, table_name, missing_fk) def _alter_table_stmt(node, fk_regex, missing_fk): table_name = node.relation.relname.value for cmd in node.cmds: if cmd.subtype == AlterTableType.AT_AddColumn: if _column_needs_foreign_key(fk_regex, cmd['def']): key = '{}.{}'.format(table_name, cmd['def'].colname.value) missing_fk[key] = cmd['def'] elif cmd.subtype in (AlterTableType.AT_AddConstraint, AlterTableType.AT_AddConstraintRecurse): constraint = cmd['def'] _remove_satisfied_foreign_keys(constraint, table_name, missing_fk) def _remove_satisfied_foreign_keys(constraint, table_name, missing_fk): # Nothing to do if this isn't a foreign key constraint if constraint.contype != ConstrType.CONSTR_FOREIGN: return # Clear out any columns that we earlier identified as # needing a foreign key. for col_name in constraint.fk_attrs: key = '{}.{}'.format(table_name, col_name.string_value) missing_fk.pop(key, '') def _column_needs_foreign_key(fk_regex, column_def): """ Return True if the ``ColumnDef`` defines a column with a name that matches the foreign key regex but does not specify an inline constraint. >>> import re >>> import pglast >>> fk_regex = re.compile('.*_id$') >>> cols = { ... # name doesn't match regex ... 'email': {'ColumnDef': {'colname': 'email'}}, ... ... # name matches regex, but no foreign key ... 'users_id': {'ColumnDef': {'colname': 'users_id'}}, ... ... # name matches regex, but has foreign key (contype == 8) ... 'post_id': {'ColumnDef': { ... 'colname': 'post_id', ... 'constraints': [{'Constraint': {'contype': 8}}] ... }} ... } >>> _column_needs_foreign_key(fk_regex, pglast.Node(cols['email'])) False >>> _column_needs_foreign_key(fk_regex, pglast.Node(cols['users_id'])) True >>> _column_needs_foreign_key(fk_regex, pglast.Node(cols['post_id'])) False """ name = column_def.colname.value if not fk_regex.match(name): return False if column_def.constraints == pglast.Missing: return True return not any( e.contype == ConstrType.CONSTR_FOREIGN for e in column_def.constraints )