Editor Integration ================== Several editor syntax checkers already natively support the output format for a similar tool, `sqlint `__, which we can piggy-back off of by using the ``"sqlint"`` reporter. Specific editors are mentioned below, but generally, if your editor has support for ``sqlint`` and can customize the executable, try running ``squabble --reporter=sqlint`` instead! emacs (via flycheck) -------------------- The best way to configure squabble through flycheck would be to create a new checker definition, which should Just Work when you open a SQL file with flycheck turned on. .. code-block:: elisp (flycheck-define-checker sql-squabble "A SQL syntax checker using the squabble tool. See URL `https://github.com/erik/squabble'." :command ("squabble" "--reporter=sqlint") :standard-input t :error-patterns ((warning line-start "stdin:" line ":" column ":WARNING " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n")) line-end) (error line-start "stdin:" line ":" column " HIGH " (message (one-or-more not-newline) (zero-or-more "\n")) line-end)) :modes (sql-mode)) (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'sql-squabble) Flycheck ships with support for `sqlint `__, so if for whatever reason you don't want to define a new checker, you should just be able to point flycheck at the ``squabble`` executable. .. code-block:: elisp (custom-set-variable 'flycheck-sql-sqlint-executable "squabble") Unfortunately flycheck does not allow user customization of the command line arguments passed to the program, so you'll need to make sure to have configuration file with ``{"reporter": "sqlint"}``. vim (via syntastic) ------------------- .. code-block:: vim let g:syntastic_sql_sqlint_exec = "squabble" let g:syntastic_sql_sqlint_args = "--reporter=sqlint"